Barrantes K
University of Costa Rica, Costa Rica
Title: Detection of integrases clases 1 and 2 (inti-1 and inti-2) in multidrug resistant enterobacterias isolated from clinical samples
Biography: Barrantes K
The disease burden of bacterial infections is found to coexist with the rapid spread of resistance to commonly used antibiotics. The
molecular basis of antibiotic resistance lies within genetic elements such as plasmids, transposons, integrons, genomic islands,
etc., which are found in the bacterial genome. Integrons are known to acquire,exchange, and express genes within gene cassettes and
it is hypothesized that they play asignificant role in the transmission of multidrug resistance genes in several Gram-negative bacteria
including enterobacterias. Here we are reporting the presence of class 1 and class 2 integrases (intI-1 and intI-2) and antibiotic
resistance genetic cassettes (blaOXA, blaTEM, sul1 and sul2) among multidrug resistant enterobacteria isolates in Costa Rica. The
antibiotic resistance pattern and presence of antibiotic resistance genes were analyzed in 58 bacterial isolates, including Shigella,
Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Citrobacter freundii, among others. All isolates were resistant to at least, one antibiotic.
Multidrug resistance was observed in 54 out of 58 isolates (93%), and 100% of isolates carried integrase class 1 (intI-1). Integrase class
2 (intI-2), blaOXA, blaTEM, sul1 and sul2 were observed in Shigella isolates. In 19 out of 24 Shigella isolates, transfer of intI-1 blaOXA
and blaTEM, cassettes were detected by conjugative plasmids to a competent and antibiotic-sensitive strain of E. coli. These results
confirm that information about epidemiology and molecular mechanisms of multidrug resistance determinants in enterobacterias
is important to develop intervention strategies. Regional and local antimicrobial resistance pattern in bacterial pathogens should be
considered as a part of control strategies.