Prof. Jyotsna Agarwal
King George’s Medical University, India
Title: Genotyping of E. coli associated with community acquired vs. hospital acquired urinary tract infection
Biography: Prof. Jyotsna Agarwal
Uropathogenic E. coli (UPEC) are responsible for ~90% of community aquired and ~65% of and Hospital acquired Urinary tract
infections (UTIs). We compared genotypic profiles of E. coli strains associated with community acquired cystitis (CA; n=40)
and hospital acquired UTI (HA; n=20) in the present study by analyzing them for phylogroups & 15 putative virulence genes (VGs).
Virulence score was calculated for each isolate as number of virulence genes detected. The bacterial culture and identification were
done using standard conventional methods. 63.2% E.coli isolates associated with HA E. coli isolates belongs to commensal phylogroup
A & B1 in comparision to CA E. coli isolates where 57.5% were from pathotypic phylogroups i.e. B2 & D. Average virulence score was
higher for CA E. coli isolates (4.95) than HA E. coli isolates (4.09). VGs like fimH, papA, kpsMII, fyuA, traT and afa/draBC were more
frequently present in CA E. coli isolates. It may be that other factors like general condition of patients and ease of bacterial entry in to
the body and infection prevention practices play more important role in HA UTI than virulence potential of pathogen itself.