Dhruv Kamlesh Mamtora
S L Raheja Hospital, India
Title: Interventions for prevention of device associated infections in superspeciality tertiary care center in Mumbai
Biography: Dhruv Kamlesh Mamtora
Device associated infections and morbidity associated with hospital acquired infections have tremendous impact on patient
outcomes including prolonged stay, use of higher antibiotic therapy, use of invasive devices and overall financial loss and loss of
productivity. Hospital is a 150 bedded superspeicality tertiary care center hospital with center of excellence for diabetes and oncology
in the city of mumbai. The infection control department carries out surveillance of all infections including hospital acquired infections.
The infections for which routine surveillance is done are Ventilatory associated pneumonia (VAP) and Ventilatory associated events
(VAE), Catheter associated blood stream infections (CLABSI), Catheter associated urinary tract infections (CAUTI) and Surgical
site infections(SSI). The standard definitions are followed as per NHSN definitions and as per NABH accreditation guidelines.
Culture related microbiology surveillance is done for all central lines, urine, respiratory samples (ET secretions, Mini BAL, BAL) and
surveillance sysem to track SSIs. Prevention aspect of HAIs is taken cared by bundled care approach and round the clock audits done
by 10 infection control assistants and Infection control nurses which are 2 in number. The audits include insertion audits for central
line catheters and urinary catheters which is something unique and acheived with 100% compliance for all patients. The training
is extensive and include induction and on going trainings. One to one training is given to ICU nurses by infection control nurses
and infection control officer. Rounds are taken on daily basis by infection control team and all adverse events related to infection
control are documented and root cause analysis for all events are done during validation meeting conducted by management and key
stakeholders on monthly basis. The HAIs are also one of common agenda for Hospital infection control comittee. Key success factor
include low incidence of hospital acquired infections in spite of being primarily diabetic and oncology hospital. The reason being
round the clock surveillance activity, bundled care approach compliance, continuous and on going trainings and good hand hygiene