Muhammad Hakim
Post Graduate Resident at College of Physician and Surgeons-Pakistan
Title: Investigation of Measles Outbreak in Union Council Anjani and Union Council Kadda, Orakzai Agency-Federally Administered Tribal Areas MAY-2017, Pakistan.
Biography: Muhammad Hakim
Background:Measles is readily spread to susceptible individuals,a leading cause of morbidity and mortality in the developing countries including Pakistan.During week,20 of May-2017 total 17 measles patients reported, eight cases from UC Anjani and seven cases from UC Kadda Orakzai Agency.The objective of a field investigation to identify gaps and provide recommendations for measles outbreak response and immunization program improvement.
Methods:The study conducted from 25th May to 8th June 2017.A case of measles defined “A person of any age resident of UC Anjani and UC Kadda, with rash, fever and at least one of the following cough,coryza and conjunctivitis presenting between 1st May to 8thJune-2107.Epidemiological,clinical and risk factors were recorded and analyzed by using Epi Info.
Results:There were 51 cases and Zero deaths identified of measles during outbreak investigation.The symptoms were fever,rash,coryza and conjunctivitis among 51(100%) and pneumonia 41(80%) of 51 cases.About 22 (45%) of 51 cases were male and 28(55 %) of 51 cases were female.The mean age of cases was 56 months,while most of the cases 26 (51%) of 51cases were in the age group of 6-10 years.All of the 51(100%) respondent parents were illiterate. The vaccination status of all 51 (100%) cases were zero doses.The index case were on 1st May 2017 and cases increased from 5th May 2017.The EPI survey in UC Anjani were 40% RI coverage.The EPI survey in UC Kadda were 80% RI coverage.Majority 41(80.39 %) of 51respondents were unaware about RI, whereas 29 (56.36%) of 51 respondent stated that the vaccinator did not visit their areas. The Vaccine Efficacy were 28%.
Conclusions:This outbreak was a result of vaccination coverage gap.Functionalization of EPI centre,vaccinations of all children and mass education was strongly recommended.Outreach activity must be carried out regularly to reach scattered population.Surveillance for vaccine preventable diseases should be strengthened to prevent outbreaks.